Downtown Memphis Commission: Mission and Primary Metrics
The Downtown Memphis Commission (DMC) drives Downtown’s role as the economic, cultural, and governmental core of our city and county.

The DMC is funded by an assessment on commercial property in the Central Business Improvement District (CBID), which is reinvested into funding incentives and activations designed to support the growth of both Downtown’s population and appraised commercial property values.
Through our investment in Downtown development, infrastructure, vibrancy, and activation, we are creating a stronger Downtown Memphis—a Downtown for everyone.
Learn more on the DMC’s State of Downtown Dashboard.
The DMC’s two primary metrics for success are:
1) an increase in the number of people living, working and engaging in Downtown, and
2) an increase in Downtown commercial property values
To accomplish these goals, the DMC implements a variety of programs and tools to foster development and investment and to make Downtown active, walkable, clean, safe, inclusive, and interesting. View our programs and our boundary map.
Commitment to Community
The Downtown Memphis Commission staff and boards regularly lead the community-focused efforts to better Downtown, including our recent work on BuildDowntown – the Downtown Memphis Master Plan and the Downtown Memphis Parking Study; as well as a Retail Action Plan to inform the master plan and future retail strategy.
With recommendations from our staff, our boards approve development incentives and design approvals for signage and project design throughout the CBID. Our staff also creates and/or supports multiple Downtown events, with nearly 200 free events each year, further investing in a Downtown that is attractive to residents, office workers, and visitors.
In keeping with our dedication to developing a Downtown for Everyone, our commitment to diversity is always a top priority. Our minimum minority participation level for incentivized projects is 25%.
The Minority & Women-owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) participation in all DMC-incented projects from 2010 through October 2020 is 31%, and our internal MWBE spend for FY19 is 29%