Downtown Memphis Commission – Five Affiliated Boards
The Downtown Memphis Commission is comprised of five boards with varying functions and powers. All five entities work in tandem to spur thoughtful growth and development throughout the 6.5 square mile area that encompasses Downtown. The DMC staff provides support and guidance for the DMC’s five affiliated boards.

Board meetings are held at the DMC offices at 114 North Main. A standard schedule is provided below but all meetings are subject to being rescheduled.
- The DMC Board of Directors meets the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception of January-May, when meetings are the fourth Friday of each month. Meetings are held at 9 am.
- The Center City Development Corporation meets the third Wednesday of every month at 9 am.
- The Center City Revenue Finance Corporation meets the second Tuesday of every month at 9 am.
- The Design Review Board meets the first Wednesday of every month at 4 pm.
- The Downtown Mobility Authority meets quarterly on the third Wednesday at 4 pm.
Meetings agendas are uploaded to the meetings calendar page prior to each meeting.