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September 17, 2024 - CCRFC

9:00 AM | Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

How to Join

CCRFC Board Meeting, 114 North Main Street (or Via ZOOM)

Instructions for joining this meeting in person:
Please use the address above. Please arrive a few minutes early, and practice social distancing throughout your time in the building. All guests are asked to sign in at the front desk.

Instructions for remotely joining this meeting via Zoom: or dial (312) 626-6799

Meeting ID: 816 9758 7302
Instructions for joining by phone only:

Call-in number, if no computer audio: (312) 626-6799


I. Call to order
II. Approval of the June 11, 2024, CCRFC meeting minutes
III. Financial update
IV. Request for a 10-year PILOT for a commercial mixed-use renovation at 47 S. Main Street
V. Request for a 10-year PILOT for new multifamily development at 272 N. Bellevue Street and 0 N. Bellevue Street
VI. President’s Report
VII. Adjournment

• Next CCRFC meeting: October 8, 2024