Downtown Neighbors Clean, Green, and Beautiful Pledge
The Downtown Memphis Commission is proud to be a key partner with the City of Memphis in keeping the Central Business Improvement District clean, beautiful, and vibrant. Together with the Downtown Neighborhood Association, the Edge Neighborhood Association, the South Main Neighborhood Association, and the Uption Community Association, we are asking you, our neighbors and stakeholders, to help us continue our work of developing a Downtown for everyone by signing the Downtown Neighbors Pledge! Our goal is 100% acceptance of the pledge to maintain the cleanest and most beautiful Downtown environment.
The problem: Downtown is everyone’s neighborhood, but not everyone cares for our neighborhood in the way we, as Downtown stakeholders, believe we should. This is not a problem that is unique to Memphis; issues with trash and blight have become common in many city centers – but we aren’t every city USA. We have the Memphis Grit, Grind, and Get it Done Spirit!
The solution: Working together, we can restore Downtown Memphis to its cleanest and most welcoming state.
We are asking you – our neighbors – to take the pledge and do your part to maintain our beautiful neighborhood. Let’s create the best possible resident, workplace, and visitor experience for all of us!
Once signed, please send your pledge to: or return it to your neighborhood organization!
- South Main Association
- Edge District Association
- Uptown Community Association
- Downtown Neighborhood Association
You are in GREAT COMPANY! The following organizations/businesses have already signed the pledge: