October 13, 2015
Tuesday, October 13th, 2015
I. Call to order
II. Approval of minutes from the meeting held September 8, 2015
III. Finance Reports
IV. Consideration of the request from Grand Island Partners for refinancing of the property commonly known as Grand Island Apartments and located on Island Drive, Memphis, Tennessee; explanation of request; authorization of execution of necessary documents; and consideration of any other matters in connection therewith.
V. Consideration of the request from Belz HRP Partners for PILOT Lease for a mixed-use project involving new construction of apartments, commercial space, and structured parking at the Southwest corner of Union Avenue and South McLean Boulevard (1835, 1837, & 1801 Union Ave.), Memphis Tennessee; explanation of request; authorization of execution of necessary documents; and consideration of any other matters in connection therewith.
- Downtown Property PILOT for Union Avenue at McLean Mixed-Use Development: Staff Report l Application Materials l Resolution
VI. Policy Review: Downtown Property PILOT Program and Policies
VII. President’s Report
VIII. Adjournment